Circumcision Information for Parents & Childbirth Professionals
Did you know?
- Parents and doctors in Canada, England, & Australia stopped circumcising years ago.
- More and more American parents are saying 'no' to circumcision.
- No national medical organization recommends routine newborn circumcision.
- The foreskin is erogenous tissue.
- The foreskin is important for women during sex.
- Circumcision is painful and invasive.
- Circumcision was introduced to America as a 'cure' for masturbation in the 1880s.
Educational video narrated by Dr. Dean Edell
It's Time to Question Circumcision
What do medical organizations say about circumcision?
They don't recommend it, so why do we do it? -
What is the foreskin? Why is it there in the first place?
Find out why all men are born with a foreskin or take the Foreskin Quiz -
The foreskin is at the tip of the penis, so does it have anything to do with sex?
Of course it does! - Are there any reasons we shouldn't circumcise? At least 25
- Does a man's foreskin do anything for women? It's called the 'gliding action'
- Is circumcision painful? How is circumcision done? See for yourself
- How did circumcision start in America? As a 'cure' for masturbation in the 1880s
Doctors Opposing Circumcision:
Male Infant Circumcision: A Brief Overview of the Issues
"There is no medical indication for circumcision present in the healthy newborn. Circumcision is non-therapeutic and elective in nature and thus merely cultural and outside evidence-based medical care. Circumcision irreversibly removes a normal, healthy body part from a non-consenting patient for no compelling medical reason or necessity. In doing so, it violates every principle of medical ethics and a host of human rights principles."
What Is Your Foreskin IQ?
Take the Foreskin Quiz by Jack Travis, M.D. It's just 12 questions, but you'll be surprised by the answers!
College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia (2004):
"Current understanding of the benefits, risks and potential harm of this procedure... no longer supports this practice for prophylactic health benefit. Routine infant male circumcision performed on a healthy infant is now considered a non-therapeutic and medically unnecessary intervention... Routine infant male circumcision does cause pain and permanent loss of healthy tissue."
Official Medical Statements on Infant Circumcision
A 2007 study by Sorrells, et al. shows circumcision removes the most sensitive parts of the penis. From the press release: George C. Denniston, M,D., MPH, President of Doctors Opposing Circumcision, commented, "This new study provided further evidence of the permanent and irreversible lifelong injury of non-therapeutic neonatal circumcision and raises grave ethical questions regarding the continued performance of child circumcision. We call upon the American Academy of Pediatrics to defend children from this practice." Visit for an excellent analysis complete with anatomical diagrams showing what areas of male anatomy are most sensitive. |